Wednesday 1 August 2007

Long delayed update


If you've wandered onto this page, either you
(1) had linked your blog to mine and were wondering when I would EVER get my butt up to updating my blog, and decided to check just for the heck of it, but not really expecting to see any updates
(2) you're just some randomer randomly going through blogs.

Well, whatever it is, I deleted my old blog but have kept the website just in case. I'm not sure whether or not I'll be bothering with blogging anymore as I never really had the time in school (hence, the year's neglect) nor the required temperament to put up with anal school administrators who blocked every damn thing because the school believes that anything that diverts our attention away from our studies for more than 5 minutes (apart from mandatory meals, of course) had sufficient grounds to be banned and blocked on the school's internet. Therefore, leaving comments on people's blogs or cboxes was more or less out of the question. So my virtual lack of an IT life was not because I was too preoccupied with 'greener pastures' over there, but more a result of an anal IT department and anal school that made social connections on the internet virtually impossible to maintain. It was therefore not my intention to neglect to visit people's blogs or choose to be a complete social recluse and not leave comments, but rather I didn't really have any say in the matter. And thus, my first blog entry in about 1 year.

I'm not sure whether or not I'll continue updating this blog, as I'm not as enthusiastic as I used to be about letting the whole wide world read your thoughts, because you never know what psychotic sick pervs lie out there. And most importantly, what you say might come back to you with unpleasant repercussions. Keeping an online diary means you can't vent all your frustrations, specifically because it's an online diary. So even if I wanted to swear and curse some git into oblivion, I'd have to name that someone something and by then, it would have lost all its meaning. At least to me, anyway.

Anyway, hope everyone is happy and healthy :)

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